Saturday, August 9, 2008

It takes a village

and an awesome family & friends to pull off a wedding like this!

Thank you isn't enough for all who helped make Saturday, August 2nd such a fantastic day for my daughter Sara & her new husband Casey.

The picture above in the pasture where the ceremony took place. Antique windows from my daughter-in-law's family property in Cumming, GA set in frames of 2 x 4's, sided with deconstructed wood pallets & scrap lumber. The antique mantel & doors were furnished to us by Ian Keith Henderson at Warehouse Antique Mall, 216 Davis Street, Monroe, GA 30655. He has 2 great shops in Monroe; North building (770)266-6696, South Building (770)207-4976.

The outdoor wedding chapel was built primarily by Sara's dad/my fab. husband, Scott & the groom, Casey with help from little bro, Jonathan, pulling nails with Casey's dad Jeff.

Wedding location at my in-law's in Monroe, GA. They opened their hearts, home, land & life in order to make the dream wedding a reality! I couldn't have hung all those lights without the awesome tractor & its driver! Thanks Charles!!!

Neighbor, Charlene opened her property for parking, church friends Stephanie, Howard & Penny also volunteered their time & energy for the big day. The whole Hanks & Toombs family there & were active participants in so many jobs before & after the event to get the show going & disassemble the aftermath! A million times "THANK YOU!!!" to you all!!! Much love!

In the background but no less appreciated, Mom & Dad helping me make tea & lemonade, moving flower arrangements for delivery, picking up my house while I was in brother Jeff, his wife & my parents stepped in with caring for the young ones during the ceremony & reception. Ron & family for taking care of sound.

More to come! Blogging begins again in earnest!

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