Friday, March 7, 2008

So You Think You Can Paint!?!

I think we should start a new reality TV show & see how others might do when put to the challenge!

What can 5 artists do with dozens of paintbrushes, photos of area landmarks, ump-teen bottles of acrylic paint in just 3 days?

Ron re-created this old barn that was on the site before Mulberry Elementary (a brand new Gwinnett County School) was built. His wife Rhonda Storer is the leader of our pack & lushly landscaped the fields & acreage. Below is Union Grove Baptist Church, just around the corner from the school. Again, building rendered by Ron, landscaped by Rhonda.

This beautiful spot was painted by Kim Chambers & is her grandmother's Kentucky home! While not specifically a landmark from just around this school, this growing but still rural area of the county still has picturesque scenes such as this.
My contribution? Lots & LOTS of stone wall!!! I began with this area of tumbled down wall on Wednesday...moved over to the area around the water fountains....(more landscaping to come!)

Three of the 5 of us have done mural work with this same principal in another county school (Shiloh Elementaty) a few years ago. It has been a pleasure to work with Vivian Stranahan & her great group of teachers and kids!

More to come! This was all done in just THREE DAYS!!! We have 2-3 days more to finish this phase. Please check back!!!

Preserving the area landmarks within a new school's cafeteria...


Anonymous said...

all the paintings are brilliant!
I'm glad I stopped by

Rosebud Collection said...

What a great job..really nice paintings.